Friday, August 28, 2009


Does anyone else find it hypocritical of the Democrats to want a special interim appointment to fill the late Ted Kennedy's Senate seat until the special election? Let's review the facts:
-In 2004, the Democrats pushed the passage of a special state law that mandates a vacancy be filled by a special election taking place about 145 days after the seat becomes vacant. At the time, John Kerry was running for President in (apparently) a close race with incumbent George W. Bush. The Democrats feared that then-Governor, Mitt Romney (a Republican), would appoint a Republican to replace Kerry if he was elected President.
-In order to avoid a Republican gaining the seat by appointment, the Democrats came up with this law, arguing that it was unconstitutional for a Senator to take his place in the Senate without having been elected.
-Now that Kennedy has died, the Democrats are urging a special appointment. It's obvious that they want another Democrat in the Senate because they are having trouble getting support for their healthcare legislation. Is it fair that this type of appointment was blocked in 2004, but now that it would serve the Democratic Party it is viewed as necessary? I don't think so.
-Could this also have anything to do with the fact that Democratic candidates are struggling in the polls all over the nation? If the seat remains empty until next year, it gives time for a Republican candidate to organize and prepare for the election.

I'm beginning believe we should have term limits for Congress...

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