Thursday, August 20, 2009

Libya and the "Nuclear Option"

2 short things today:

1. Does it really piss anyone else off that Scotland released Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie plane bomber? The kicker for me is that he was released out of "compassion." Is this compassion supposed to emulate the compassion he showed his 270 innocent victims? If it was up to me, he'd rot in prison until he died. Actually, if it was up to me this man would have been executed. So, I guess it's a non-issue. I wonder what Comrade Obama's response to the thousands of cheering Libyans who met the murderer will be? If we take a cue from his limp wristed response to the situation in Iran, he will probably applaud their freedom of assembly.

2. In a sick way I am almost hoping the Democrats DO ram this healthcare legislature through Congress. If they do, I am predicting some massive gains by the GOP in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Chris Dodd (whose office told my husband he will hold no town meetings this recess because he held 2 in the first half of the year) is hopefully gone from CT. Let's go Rob Simmons. Presumably several Democrats in battleground states and states with hefty Independent populations will face defeat also. I know what a colossal mess this healthcare bill will be, but it feels almost worth it to seal the fate of the Democratic Party for the next few years. If it's enough to brand Obama as a single-termer, then I am almost convinced it will be worth it...

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